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Top tips for effective job searching in 2018

Top tips for effective job searching in 2018
Like most people, you are probably preparing to get back into the swing of things and return to work in the next couple of weeks – getting ready to ease into 2018. It is one thing to be upset that the holidays are already over, but if you are absolutely dreading returning to work, it may be time to think about your options and a new career for the New Year.
If you are thinking about changing roles, and want to get stuck into looking for a job once the holidays are out, we have put together some simple tips that will help speed up the job searching process, connecting you with your dream job faster so you can have the 2018 you deserve:

Firstly, identify job sources

Use multiple channels to identify job opportunities. Job boards are by no means an exhaustive source – consider using other avenues such as networking, LinkedIn, employers’ career pages, recruiters, referrals, word of mouth etc.
Also consider contacting old colleagues and contacts within your extended network – a lot of job opportunities are unadvertised so you never know your luck.

Think about what is right for you in 2018 (and beyond)

Understand your values, interests, skills, accomplishments, experience, and goals.  Think about what type of organisation you want to work for, and what role aligns with your career aspirations.
This will help you target your job search, and you will have more of a chance of success – rather than applying for every job hoping you will stumble across your dream role.
Also make sure that you think about what skills employers are looking for, and how your skill set fits in with their requirements.

Subscribe to industry publications

Keeping abreast of industry developments is always important, however it is particularly important when job hunting. Subscribe to industry publications as they may help you identify opportunities.
Prospective employers will also be impressed when you talk through market trends and industry developments at your interview. It may be a key determinant that sets you apart from other candidates.

Use LinkedIn to your advantage

If you are not on LinkedIn, you won’t easily be found by recruiters and potential employers.
Make sure you optimise your LinkedIn profile, and position yourself correctly so that jobs come to you.
You should tailor your profile and skills to the types of jobs that you want to attract, and use key words that recruiters and potential employers will search for.

Devote a set amount of time per day to make sure you are effective

Structure your job search so you have a set amount of time set aside per day for job hunting. This helps to eliminate procrastination, and also helps to keep focus. Make sure you stick to your allotted timeframe, and set targets to make sure you are effective.

Be flexible

You may have to be flexible and adjust your expectations if you have been searching for a job for a long period with no success. Consider looking in new geographic areas – perhaps work from home options can minimise the stress of the commute.

Consider a temp job in the interim

Temp jobs can be a great way to learn new skills and gain experience while you are looking for a permanent role. Consider a temp job with a company that may be of interest to you – this can also be a good way to get your foot in the door, and put you first in line when a permanent role becomes available.

How we can help

Finding your dream role is not an easy task, make sure you stay positive. If you need some extra help, we are here for you! Contact one of our recruiters to talk about how we can help you find your dream role, so you can have a happy and successful 2018.

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